IELTS Speaking Vocabulary Lists You Need To Know Before Your Exam

Suketu Prajapati
1 min readMar 8, 2023


Here are some vocabulary lists for IELTS speaking:

  1. Adjectives to describe people: kind, generous, friendly, outgoing, confident, ambitious, creative, intelligent, honest, reliable, humorous, patient, hardworking, etc.
  2. Adjectives to describe things: beautiful, stunning, breathtaking, magnificent, impressive, remarkable, fascinating, intriguing, inspiring, innovative, etc.
  3. Verbs to describe actions: explain, illustrate, demonstrate, clarify, emphasize, elaborate, define, describe, discuss, differentiate, compare, contrast, etc.
  4. Phrases to express opinions: In my opinion, as far as I’m concerned, from my perspective, I believe, I think, in my view, I reckon, it seems to me, etc.
  5. Phrases to express agreement and disagreement: I agree, I disagree, I see your point, I’m not sure I agree, I’m afraid I disagree, I partially agree, I tend to disagree, etc.
  6. Phrases to express likes and dislikes: I love, I adore, I’m fond of, I’m crazy about, I’m keen on, I’m interested in, I’m not a big fan of, I’m not really into, I’m not keen on, I’m not fond of, etc.
  7. Phrases to express giving examples: For example, such as, like, including, among others, to name a few, etc.

Remember, practicing these vocabulary lists alone won’t guarantee a high score in IELTS speaking. It’s important to use them naturally and appropriately in your responses, and to practice speaking in English as much as possible to improve your fluency and confidence.

Read more about IELTS speaking, writing, reading vocabulary on Quora also.



Suketu Prajapati

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